Guy V. Daines A.S.
Co. 177, USNTS
Great Lakes, Ill
Mrs. Guy Daines + Sally + Sonny
516 Hodge Street
Newport, Ky
January 27, 1944
Dear Ange + Kids:
Just came back from chow. We had 2 slices of bacon, 1 hardboiled egg, cereal, roll, coffee + 1 apple. It tasted pretty good. Ed called me on the telephone last evening & we talked for about 5 mins. He is going to try & get a pass to come over & see me Sunday. Tony Koviac’s brother is in the barracks next to me & he comes over almost every night. Tonight he is going to help me try to roll some clothes. I don’t know what we are going to do today yet. In a few minutes we have to clean the barracks. Tell Sonny I am awful glad that he is helping you & to be a good little boy until I come home & to study his lessons. I haven’t gotten any funny books yet but I will find something to send one of these days. Give him & Sally & yourself a big kiss and hug. Every night Ange I say my prayers at 9:30 and think of you & the kids. Tell everybody hello so I can’t find time to write to everyone right now.
Love & kisses,
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec enim massa, maximus nec scelerisque in, vestibulum eu felis. Phasellus id lectus mattis, ullamcorper mi ut, consequat tellus. Phasellus elementum enim nec leo interdum aliquam. Nullam elementum, mauris sed dapibus tempus, nunc purus rhoncus diam, a ultrices lacus neque vitae dolor. Nam eu tristique libero. Morbi nec mi id lacus vulputate tincidunt convallis id erat. Sed lacinia finibus arcu eu porta.
Pellentesque et viverra leo, ut elementum eros. Vestibulum ipsum neque, sagittis a posuere semper, vehicula sed felis. Nulla et tempus justo, quis consequat risus. Vivamus mi turpis, tincidunt at faucibus pellentesque, convallis a dui. Aenean finibus lacinia ipsum eget vestibulum. Fusce eget ligula ac risus tempus congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam vel condimentum leo, at volutpat diam. Nam consectetur, nulla non sollicitudin consectetur, arcu nisl fringilla ex, non feugiat enim quam id dui. Fusce faucibus consectetur nulla eu tincidunt. Vivamus venenatis tortor vel ipsum euismod accumsan. Pellentesque sit amet viverra nibh.